
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Farm Rich Snacks

 I recently had the good fortune to review Farm Rich snacks.   I was able to review 3 different snacks of theirs;  Mozzarella Sticks, Mini Quesadillas, and Jalapeno Peppers.  I had been wanting to try the Jalapeno Peppers for a while since I have a small (HUGE) obsession with jalapeno poppers with cream cheese but was afraid I wouldn't like them because I am very picky about my poppers.  So I was very excited to finally get to try these, apprehensive, yes, but excited.

Notice the Bag That is Missing?  Someone took it to work with them before I could get a picture  :)

 My husband picked the Mozzarella Sticks and the Mini Quesadillas.  They looked good but didn't have high hopes for the Mini Quesadillas because I have never had a frozen quesadilla type snack food ever turn out the way they are shown on the bag.


One day my husband and I decided to be bad and have a mixture of these goodies for lunch. So we cooked a few of each and sat down tot do our taste testing.  The Jalapeno Peppers were perfect!  Crispy on the outside and smooth and creamy on the inside and the pepper had just the right about of spice.  Heaven!  On to the Mini Quesadillas, I bit into one not expecting mouth was flooded with flavor.  I was shocked.  I couldn't believe that a company had finally gotten a frozen quesadilla to taste that good.  I was thrilled.  Next I tried the Mozzarella Sticks and unfortunately I was not so thrilled with them.  But then again I am not a big fan of mozzarella sticks in the first place but my Hubby loved them.  So score again  :)

I can not wait to try more Farm Rich Snack Products.  They have 15 different varieties so there is bound to be something for everyone.  The best thing about these snacks, besides how good they are, is that you can pick them up at your local grocery store. You can even find where a certain product is sold near you.

You can print coupons for Farm Rich Products here.  Also look look below for a chance to win!

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Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins was provided with a free sample of this product to review, and was under no obligation to review it.  Nor was Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.  Prize value is approximately $6.99.

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