
Monday, February 18, 2013

Kopali Chocolates Giveaway Hosted by The Momma and Boys

I have always been one that loved chocolate, but I am also very picky about what I eat because I prefer organic products. With Kopali I can now enjoy the delicious taste of chocolate.  The covered espresso beans, covered cacao nibs, and chocolate covered bananas were delicious. 

My boys loved that they were able to receive chocolate to review and they loved their chocolate covered bananas.

Kopali Chocolates use extraordinary cacao from small sustainable farmers in Peru.  They even do all of their manufacturing and packaging right at the point of origin in Peru.  This is to make sure the highest quality of flavor, intense freshness, least transit/carbon footprint, and greatest possible positive impact.  both social and environmental, directly supporting the farming communities.

Kopali Chocolates are a certified Organic and Fair Trade, to document the standards we are committed to.  They are also 100 percent vegan and gluten-free.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: The Momma And Boys has received the product as a gift to do a review and giveaway and all opinions are from The Momma And Boys! The Momma And Boys and Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins is not responsible for shipping of the product.