
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

POP ART Junior Chef Baking Set

Munchkins 1 & 2 love to help me in the kitchen but many of the kitchen tools are too large for them to handle well.  There is also the fact that the stove is dangerous and they can't really do much of the cooking, only help prep.  Not to mention it takes a while to cook many things and kids do not have patience.

POP ART has an awesome solution.  Make Pancakes, muffins, brownies, donuts, or eggs easily and quickly with the Tasty Baker.  This appliance is so very neat.  Tasty Baker not only cooks the food, it also cooks it into cute little designs like a bunny, train, smiley face, heart, and birthday cake.  The Munchkins love the different designs.  I think it is hilarious watching them eat their pancakes because especially Munchkin 2 plays with the shapes and makes sounds.  They are too funny.

We didn't just get the Tasty Baker though.  We got the Tasty Baker Junior Chef Set.  The difference is the Tasty Baker is just the appliance but the Junior Chef Set is 100 times more awesome.  The chef set comes with so much more.  It is a 12 piece set that includes:
  • Tasty Baker
  • Apron
  • Measuring cups
  • Batter scoop
  • Spatula
  • Whisk
  • wooden spoon
  • mixing bowl
  • egg timer
  • mitt
  • measuring spoons 
  • cleaning brush

The set is adorable.  I love the pink and green color scheme that is reflective of POP ART.  Munchkin 2's room is in the same pink and green color scheme.  More importantly I love that the kit came with everything we needed to make deliciousness.

The Tasty Baker has a knob to adjust the temperature so the temperature is always perfect for what you are cooking.  Although the cooking plates get hot the outside covers do not get hot and are safe to the touch.  This makes it safer than traditional pans, especially for little helpers.  The cooking plates are nonstick so clean up is a breeze.  The cleaning brush makes it super easy to get into the small spaces and corners.

 My Little Bakers

I love our Tasty Baker Junior Chef Set.  It has definitely gotten a work out and will continue to be used regularly.  The Munchkins and I use it to not only make breakfast for them but pancakes for the Hubby for his lunch at work since he takes lunch at work at like 10am.  I can't wait to try more tasty treats and even come up with our own.  YUM

Make sure you check out the POP ART site to purchase this awesome appliance and see the other great products they have.  

"Like" POP ART on Facebook and Follow them on Twitter

Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins was provided with a free sample of this product to review, and was under no obligation to review it.  Nor was Jenn, Mom Of Two Munchkins under any obligation to write a positive review in return for the free product.  

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