
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

SunRype Giveawy Hosted by Mommy Lesson PLans

Sun Rype has two new SunRype Fruit Strip flavors - Raspberry and Strawberry Watermelon, and one new FruitSource bar 'superfruits' flavor - Mango Mangosteen. The Fruit Strips are 100% fruit with no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. The Fruit Bars are a thicker version of the fruit strips, and they have 2 servings of fruit in each bar! These are debuting in stores this month!
sun rype I got to try them before they were even in the stores, and let me tell you, they taste amazing.  Make sure you get a Buy One Get One FREE Coupon on their Facebook Page that will be available until the end of May or up to 10,000 prints (which ever comes first). Hurry though because they wont last long.
  March 2013 018

Sun Rype launched their company in 1946, when they were known as BC Fruit Growers and their juice was titled Sun Rype. Their first juice was created from 100% apples directly from the orchard. Having been in the fruit business for so much time, they really must know their stuff. They have enlarged their product line considerably since then. We have a cute retro lunch kit that we could also throw into that prize package. Also in the next couple of months they will be bringing to the USA market some SunRype Smoothies with flavors like Tropical Sunrise and Berry Delicious. I can’t wait to try them!


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