Calling all moms and dads of tweens if you haven’t heard of BYOU “Be Your Own You” magazine then you need to check it out!! As a tween parent, I am constantly discussing “inner beauty”, “what popularity really means” and the classic “it is ok to be different”. You know what I mean. So any chance I have to throw some actual stories, books and even better a magazine subscription into the works only helps solidify the message in my daughter’s head.
When given the opportunity to review BYOU magazine and Debra Gano’s book, “Beauty’s Secret: A Girl’s Discovery of Inner Beauty”, I was thrilled to not only read for myself, but to get a 10-year old’s opinion of the material. My daughter sat on the couch in my office and read the book and both magazines within two hours while I, of course, worked. And what happened after that was quite amazing, Lulu said, “Mom, I just connected with my inner heart, and I am beautiful.” It brings tears to my eyes just to write that, because fifth grade is difficult. We are beginning to see the mean, gossip girls, groups and cliques and some teasing and bullying. Overcoming these life obstacles can be difficult for a tween especially during the beginning of puberty.
How could a magazine and a book possibly help with these parental issues? The one theme I’ve noticed in conversations with my daughter is the overwhelming feeling of being different from her classmates. My daughter loves theater, plays guitar and has weekly vocal lessons. The rest of her class plays soccer, football and basketball. Being different is a curse and a blessing, but not one a 10-year-old can comprehend. Learning the beauty of being different through a source other than my mouth, only reminds her there are plenty of kids out there just like her. And the little pond she lives in now will one day be a great big ocean with plenty of fish that look the same and have the same interests.
BYOU highlights real girls with real passions and real smarts. And add a copy of “Beauty’s Secret” in the mix, and you have one killer duo designed to reach your child and remind them that beauty begins within.
I asked Lulu to write a brief quote about the book and magazine and she wrote, ”The Heartlight Series written by Debra Gano is wonderful! Reading this book and the BYOU magazines reminded me to believe in myself and be myself. I recommend this book to any girl who needs help finding her true self. Remember girls, there is only one thing people want to see and it is not your outer beauty, it’s your inner beauty, so let the true YOU shine!”
Check it out:
BYOU Magazine (website & shopping cart)
Beauty’s Secret Book
Enter to Win A One Year Subscription Below!!
Wow, what awesome timing!! I have an 11 yo who would just LOVE this!!